Why Is My Earning Rate Sporadic/Random?

Salad offers three types of workloads for chefs to share their compute resources and earn rewards: bandwidth sharing, GPU crypto mining, and container workloads. Depending on the quality of your hardware, the needs of the Salad network, and your internet connection, chefs may be able to get one or a combination of all three workloads.

Profitability for mining workloads depends on the strength of the crypto markets. These workloads usually run continuously, but the amount earned and the frequency of payouts can fluctuate based on share tracking mechanics. Luck plays a role in cryptocurrency mining, resulting in variability in earnings during each payout period. However, over a longer period, such as a day or a week, earnings should average out if there are no changes in the crypto markets.

Bandwidth and container workloads function differently, with greater variability but potentially higher profits.

High bandwidth jobs require chefs to have super-fast internet connections and are not available in every region. Container workloads come in two flavors: CPU and GPU. CPU workloads are low-value but energy-efficient and can run in the background of most machines. GPU workloads have higher payouts but require a powerful NVIDIA GPU in the 30 or 40 series.

Container workloads depend on variability and do not run 24/7. It is not unexpected to go long periods of time without a Container workload.

Chefs should ensure that as much of their equipment as possible is enabled to make the most of their idle machine power and earn rewards, regardless of the combination of workloads they choose to chop.

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