Becoming a Star Chef: Qualifications and Benefits

What is a Star Chef?

Star Chefs are a cut above, as they represent the most trusted Chefs in the Salad Kitchen. These users have proven their reliability on our share-computing network day in and day out. In return for this loyalty and dependability, Salad prioritizes Star Chefs to receive the most profitable jobs available at a given time.

How Do I Become a Star Chef?

In short, Chop a lot of Salad. Chefs who Chop for 3000 minutes (~50 hours) a week will receive priority for high-paying jobs, provided that they have the hardware to handle the job.

Can Anyone Qualify for Star Chef?

Not all users may qualify, as some may not be able to spare their machine for more than a few hours per day. Not to worry, all Chefs have access to Jobs, Proof of Work, and Bandwidth Sharing (depending on region). Star Chefs may have a better chance to get a high-paying job, but there’s plenty of work to go around in The Kitchen.

How do I know if I am a Star Chef?

Chefs who qualify will receive a notification, a Star Chef badge on their Earn tab, and a UI prompt on the Chopping Power page. The notification and other UI changes will arrive on Thursday evening or Friday afternoon depending on the Chefs region.

The Chef badge and Chopping Power page should look something like this.

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