How do I use my SaladMC reward?

  1. Visit and connect to the Minecraft server in your Minecraft client. (You need to be online and connected to the server in order to receive your reward.)
  2. Visit and add the reward you bought through Salad to your shopping cart.
  3. Click on your cart and go through the checkout process, you will be asked to enter your Minecraft username. (This is case sensitive so make sure you enter the correct username.)
  4. Enter the code you received from Salad in the "Coupon Code" box, and finish the checkout process.
  5. You should now have received your SaladMC server reward.

If you have any questions regarding your SaladMC server reward, or are experiencing troubles activating it, please contact SaladMC support via their forum or their Discord Server. (Please note, Salad is only able to provide limited support on 3rd party rewards.)

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